Thursday, February 25, 2010

Weekly Reflection


In Crime and Punishment there is a representation of a modern man with the lack of faith in others. Social Darwinism better suited for the environment. Rational egoists are into their own self interest. Raskolnikov cannot get away from his guilt of killing someone even if he is a rationally smart person.
Raskolnikov vs. Patrick Bateman
(C & P) (American Psycho)
Egotistic Narcissistic

Raskolnikov is egotistic.
Egotistic: thinking better of oneself, everyone is inferior.
Think that everyone is there to serve them.
Takes place in 1866 Russia.
Thinking rationally, doing bad things to make a better world.
Thinks he has the right to take a life because of being better or smarter.

Patrick Bateman is narcissistic.
Power (control).
Not a complete person when you buy, purchase, or own things that makes someone successful.
It takes place in 1980’s Manhattan N.Y.

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