Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Weekly Reflection

Cyborg Manifesto
Technology, politics.
Cartesian logic of "I think therefore I am".
I exist, I am. Fighting for an existence.
If you don't think you don't exist. It is opinion vs. fact.
The enlightenment in the 18th century was a shift away from religion.
Empiricism is true through observation not faith based knowledge. Religion is faith based with no solid facts. Why would it be so important? Who or what is served by the "I"? Partiality, Utopian, and without innocence. The "I" is closed off... Individualism, separation.
Cyborg is post gender, pre-odipal symbiosis. Machine/human, committed to partiality. Adam and Eve are the original sin story told throughout history. There will always be the question of what it means to be fact.

Three Boundaries it Transcends
Ideology behind:
animal-human / Machine ex. artificial insemination
human / animal ex. compatibility of organs
physical / non-physical ex. reproductions/sequels
-The critique of enlightenment

When the future is already set, any changes that may occur is looked down by others.
Woody Allen's Sleeper, reproductions of self that represents one another.

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